Greensward Lawn

Lawn Core Aeration:

What is core aeration?

Aeration is the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and its surrounding atmosphere. Core aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve soil aeration.


What are the benefits?

** Enhances soil water uptake.

** Improves fertilizer uptake and use.

** Reduces water runoff and puddling.

** Improves soil air.

** Improves turfgrass rooting.

** Reduces soil compaction.

** Improves resiliency and cushioning.

** Enhances thatch breakdown.

** Helps prevent & overcome disease.

** Helps lawn vigor and health, reducing maintenance requirements.


Why is aeration needed?

Intensively used lawns are exposed to stress from traffic injury. Walking, playing, and mowing are forms of traffic that compact soil and stress lawns. Rain and irrigation increase soil density by compacting soil particles and reducing air spaces where roots readily grow. Compaction is greater on heavy clay soils, and is greatest in the upper 1 to 1.5 inches of soil.

Most home lawns are subject to thatch accumulation, and if left unmanaged can lead to serious maintenance and pest problems. Core aeration minimizes thatch buildup by incorporating soil into the thatch. As soil combines with thatch debris, soil organisms are better able to break down the thatch. Most lawns growing on heavy clay or compacted soils require annual aeration.


When should lawns be aerated?

Both Spring and Fall are ideal times to aerate cool season turfgrass, such as Kentucky Bluegrass and Fescues. Annual aeration is beneficial for most lawns. Fall is favored over Spring. 


Sign-up for Core Aeration, and other services apply on the main service order page by clicking here.



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