Greensward Lawn, Tree Care, & Pest Control

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Japanese Beetle - Lawn, Trees, RoseGrab your chop sticks and head for your landscape for a delicacy before they make a delicay out of your trees and lawn.  These bad boys are in North Dakota now, and also in Cass County now.  The adult beetles are metallic green bodies with coppery-brown wing covers.  The adults skeletonize your tree leaves.  The larvae are cream colored, C-shaped, and about an inch length.  The larvae feed on your grass roots leaving dead patches of turf, or yellow, or wilting grass.

If you dont find them to your liking we fortunately have insecticides available, and effective. The same Insecticide Greensward applies for this beetle is also very effective against other insect type pests feeding on your tree, and lawn.

A single treatment will last all season-long.

Greensward has used this insecticide for several years against a wide range of pests. We have found it very effective against certain scales, aphids, beetles, leaf beetles, certain borers including bronze birch borer, certain ants, and grubs. Early Spring preventive treatments are recommended.

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