Greensward Privacy Policy

Any information you provide us is held in strict privacy. Any information you provide on Greensward website is emailed to Greensward's email account. This information we manually transfer to a database into a different, single computer in our office only. Our local office computer is used only to store Greensward accounts information, and is not connected to the internet, and all information is deleted off Greensward's web-based email account as soon as we tranfer the information into our local computer (usually within a day or two).

Greensward's local database computer safeguards your information through a series of passwords to first unlock the computer, and then requires certain software to open and read the database. Any contact Greensward makes onto the internet is done on a separate, different computer. Greensward will not make public any information about its customers. Your information is used strictly for Greensward only to provide services you request.


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