Chlorosis Treatment, and Tree & Shrub Fertilizing Q & A :

(Chlorosis is a disease, and therefore its treatment is for a disease.)

Q: Where would Tree and Shrub Fertilizing be recommended?

A: Tree and Shrub Fertilizing is recommended where deficiencies are evident. One very common deficiency in our area is iron chlorosis, which occurs on several types of trees and shrubs. Maples and Birches are very susceptible to this, and is evident by the inter-veinal yellowing of the leaves. If not corrected could cause death to the tree. Most all healthy trees should be green in Spring and Summer, including maples and birches, with the exception of a very few varieties (ex.:  Sunburst Locust, Crimson King Maple, Princeton Gold Norway Maple, ...

Many other nutrient deficiencies commonly occur to many trees and plants of all types. Strange shapes and colors on leaves may indicate deficiencies, as well as slow growth or lack of vigor. Several factors can cause nutrient deficiencies of which books are written to explain. But, in the simple & short, soil chemistry prevents the plant from using the soil nutrient(s), or a lack of nutrient(s) in the soil, or physical/mechanical/environmental factors.

Most common causes of nutrient deficiencies in the Fargo/Moorhead Area are due to soil chemistry, lack of soil air (compaction, saturation), lack of available nutrients, disease, and incorrect planting depth.  Many people have their lawns fertilized several times a year but, neglect their trees and shrubs.  Fertilizing your trees keep them healthy, vibrant, and brings out your tree's true color.

Q: Why are some trees yellow in summer when they should be green?

A: Nutritional deficiency in most cases. Iron being the most common deficiency (iron chlorosis). Soil conditions prevent plant availability of certain nutrients.

Q: Will the tree suffer, or die?

A: Yes. The tree cannot make chlorophyll, thus no carbohydrates are produced to feed the tree. Over time the branches thin, and become bare until the tree dies.

Q: Can this condition be corrected?

A: Yes. In most cases. Other factors may be at fault, such as trunk girdling roots, severe disease, or roots drowning in a pool of water which probably wont benefit. But most of the common causes can benefit.

Q:  My tree is huge and old.  Will this treatment help it?
A:  Yes.  It will take more time for a large tree to respond but, green up results are equal for both large and small trees.  Many large trees that looked like they were dieing soon recover, re-green, produce new growth, and live on for many more years. Likewise, a small, young tree only a few years old will also be helped.

Q: How do you correct nutritional deficiency in trees?

A: Several techniques can be used. But, soil injections of complete fertilizers with micros high in iron distributed to the feeder roots, in my opinion from experience is the best technique we use. This technique supplies needed nutrients to the correct depth, improves soil conditions, and improves soil air.

Correct depth is important since some nutrients in fertilizers bind to clay, and would not make it to the feeder roots otherwise. Placing the fertilizers to the Tree’s feeder roots, and beyond competing turfgrass roots, ensures the Tree gets the full and correct amount of nutrients. And our process of soil injection also aerifies the soil of the Tree’s root zone, which is very beneficial for your Tree.

Q: When is the best time of year to fertilize trees?

A: Depends. But for practicality sake we will say Early Spring for most all trees. This is the most important fertilizing treatment time of the entire year. Alternatively good is Late Fall for deciduous trees and shrubs (after leaf-drop) following it up the next Spring at leafout.

Q: How many fertilizing treatments are needed each year?

A: Depending on plant response, and existing soil conditions a 2nd treatment in about 4 to 6 weeks after the first early Spring treatment would quicken the tree's recovery. In a few rare cases upto 3 or 4 treatments may be needed until plant health has improved. But most trees improve in one to two treatments per year. Thereafter, annual feedings, every other year, or as needed.

Q: I had my trees fertilized in July, or August and didn't notice much green-up, Why?

A: At that time of year trees begin to harden-off (prepare themselves for winter). New growth slows or stops. If you missed the Springtime treatment(s) (upto mid/end June) then you were too late for green-up. It takes a tree a month or two to circulate the nutrients throughout its entire structure, plus time to produce chlorophyll.

Q: Why fertilize trees after June?

A: If tree response is inadequate, or if you missed Spring treatment(s) you want to get the nutrients into the trees circulation stream to help overcome stress, improve tree health prior to Winter, and speed health and recovery for next year. However, these late treatments are adjusted to minimize new plant growth. Nitrogen, after June is kept at a minimal while maximizing on the other essential nutrients.

We add Soil Conditioners for trees in Autumn, and Spring to improve soil chemistry. This allows existing, and added nutrients to become more plant available. These soil conditioners are very slow released in soil, and one treatment will last several years.  One treatment, upto three times the first year may be required to bring soil to optimum level.  Thereafter, annual maintenance treatment, or as needed basis.  This is recommended for poor soils to improve nutrient uptake efficiency. 

Q: Does Greensward offer Bio-Soil Conditioning Treatments?

A: Yes.  This service is recommended for trees that have had soil destruction in some fashion.  Such destruction can be caused by flooding, compaction, chemicals, lack of soil organic matter, soil chemistry, ....  The destructive agent(s) create an inhospitable environment for beneficial soil microbes to survive.  Then destructive harmful soil microbes move in and inhabit the soil which can disease your trees, or make life difficult for your trees.  Greensward's Bio-Soil Conditioning Treatments add the beneficial soil bacteria and fungii needed for roots to uptake elements and water.  In addition, dispersed clay particles flocculate for improved permeability, and better aeration.  In time as your soil micro life and soil conditions improve, so will the life of your trees improve as well.  (This is an additional treatment not included in our fertilization treatment.)

Q: What fertilizers does Greensward use for my trees and shrubs?

A1: Multi-Purpose Feedings: Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Chloride, Sulfur, Boron, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, and chelating ingredients to make these nutrients available to the plant. The mix and rates are balanced depending on type of tree or shrub, nutrients most deficient, time of year, overall condition of the tree or shrub, soil chemistry and conditions, environmental conditions, etc..  Our fertilizers are the most plant available fertilizers on the market, and the longest lasting in even the most hostile of soils.

A2: Chlorosis Treatment:  In addition to element supplementation, Greensward's chlorosis treatments contain ingredients to protect plant cell walls;  improve tree's ability to gather and absorb elements and water;  and supplement carbohydrates for a quick energy source.  

Greensward's chlorosis treatments have been tested over many years, and proven to work.  Greensward's treatment formula is unique only through Greensward as we blend this locally, and is not available anywhere else.  Tweaked with experience, and the latest science to produce green and healthy trees.

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